small 2 bedroom house plans and designs

 Small houses are within the range of 1500 to 3000 sq ft. Some examples of small houses are standalone houses, penthouses, and villas. They allow for more comfortable living than compact houses but space is still used efficiently. Small houses are ideal for families and couples with kids. A small house bedroom is usually 3 bedroom apartments or houses with a puja room. If you have growing kids then look for small 3 bedroom house plans that can accommodate your requirements.

Big Houses

Bigger houses more than 3000 sq ft come under these. These types of houses provide adequate space for homeowners. Rooms are of reasonable size while avoiding unnecessary square footage. Some examples are bungalows, stand-alone houses, and farmhouses.

Tips For Small House Plan Design

Indian style small house plans involve maximizing space, improved functionality, and contemporary aesthetics. When creating plans for small houses there are some key points to remember such as

Open Floor Plans

Open floor plans create more space in the house. For example, removing the wall between the kitchen and dining room can make a small home feel more spacious. Avoid too many small partition rooms or narrow hallways .   small 2 bedroom house plans and designs


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